SSIAG is,and always has been an independent organisation. our work is driven by our values, not party politics, and seeks to make real change- not just noise..
SSIAG is,and always has been an independent organisation. our work is driven by our values, not party politics, and seeks to make real change- not just noise..
We are beholden to no-one but each other and our shared values. Together, we pressure, persuade and work with those in and outside government who can deliver real change on the issues that drive us.
Our power comes not from private interests or political patronage, but from the rolling tide of people working together towards a common cause.
Together we set our movement’s agenda on issues they care about, from human rights and climate action to economic fairness.
We do whatever it takes to make genuine progress on issues our movement cares about.
Using our powerful and respected voice in South Sudanese politics: building greater awareness of the issues we care about, and holding decision makers accountable to the public..
Careful, strategic, and bold action in the real world: meeting local MPs, handing out How To Vote cards at polling booths, or attending rallies.
Simple actions that together amount to significant power: signing petitions, writing to influence key decision makers, or chipping in to help fund polling, research, or advertising.
Together with our team of experienced strategists, our members use their voice, time, and skills to take action that moves the needle online and offline. We do whatever it takes to make genuine progress on issues our movement cares about
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